October 22, 2024

Since 2022, gigging has been picking up. This year, I revamped my “Gig Bag” to reflect better what I am doing now.

The “OLD” Gig Bag was a Landsend Canvas laptop bag I got in the late 90s. I believe I had two of these, a black one and a blue one. The black one basically fell apart about 10 years ago, and the blue one has been my go to. It has done great….except I wanted something slightly more “rigid” to better hold items I am carrying. Also something slightly bigger. This “tool bag” fit the bill perfectly. In fact, one of the Amazon reviewers uses it for a gig bag. Small world.

In one of the new bag’s pockets, I have two of these rechargeable LED lights. So handy to pack up your stuff with proper lighting.

Next pocket has a small philips and straight blade screw driver, a stubby 6-in-1 screw driver, a Gerber Gear Dime multi-tool, an extra lightning cable, usb microcable, and a usb c cable, and small charger for them. And an extra USB stick. And an extra pedalboard patch cable.

Final front pocket is filled with a business card holder that holds my business cards, and a Logitech Crayon for my iPad.

In the bag, I have 2 6 foot XLR cables, 1 15 foot XLR cable, 1 15 foot power cord, two Hola! Music iPad holders that I mounted on a K&M Adjustable Stereo microphone bar, a RE-20 microphone, a Nuemann MCM 114 microphone, my pedal board with is really scaled back setup that has just a PedalTrain Metro 16 with a Elite Acoustics StompMix 4 and an Eventide H9 on it, two iPads, one for music, one to control the Roland AE-30 and IEMs, an Amazon Basic case with extra reeds and stuff, and my IEMs box (Xvive U4R2 with Sennheiser IE 40 Pros)

It’s a lot of stuff, but its been working really well for the pop group I have been playing with.

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